Monday, November 5, 2012

Light at the end of the tunnel...

Very recently, the spouses of two very dear friends of mine have been facing serious health issues. As those of us who are "caretakers" recognize, the fears for our loved ones can become overwhelming, the effort to maintain a sense of normalcy for all involved a major challenge.  Yet, both these wonderful women have not only provided support for their spouses and family members, but have recognized and acknowledged the love and support of their friends and extended family.   This photo, taken a couple of days ago on Lake Michigan, reflects for me that thin, bright light they see in the distance: the hope and trust that their loved ones will be healed and their family whole once again.  How fortunate we are to live in a time and place where that is not an empty hope, but a promise based on science, experience, repetition, and proof.


  1. Love the thoughts and photo, thank you Sis!!

  2. Liga, you are such a deeply caring and concerned friend. I think when our bodies give us an extra challenge, it is the mind that helps make the experience something worth working through the pain. And good friends, and appreciation for their willingness to support you despite moments of uncertainty, can be the difference between healing and succumbing to the illness. We're glad you're on our team!

    1. I would be no where other than on your team Wendy; you are someone for whom I have such great admiration and respect. I wish you and your family returning good health. I also wish I was close enough to give you a physical hug, but it's clear from your postings that your local friends are supplying those and more. It's clear that you and Pete are wonderful, caring people to have such an outpouring of support and good wishes coming your way right now.

  3. This is really nice of you to say and to bring highlight to one of the things we can always count on and doesn't cost much. Hope. We all should give out more of it to all those that need it. It's the least we can do!

  4. Thanks Oscar. You're right, hope doesn't cost much but can be so powerful, often enabling us to plow through the tough times to reach the other end. May we all remember to share that hope with others in need of it.
